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November 2024 Update of SPI's Global Incentives Index Now Available
Download the November 2024 update of Olsberg•SPI’s Global Incentives Index
SPI Publishes Study on the Potential Impact of a Croatian Video Games Incentive
The Study investigates the feasibility of a new video game development incentive in Croatia and advises on its potential economic impact.
SPI Publishes Update of White Paper on Global Film and Television Production Incentives
The White Paper builds on the original report published in 2019, providing an up-to-date analysis of global production incentive trends
SPI to Partner with the FDCP on New Strategic Roadmap for the Philippine Screen Sector
The roadmap will underpin the FDCP’s main priorities of strengthening the country’s domestic film industry and expanding the potential to attract more international productions.
SPI Consultant to Participate in 2024 International Institute of Communications Conference
Senior industry representatives will join regulators, academics and other stakeholders from the telecoms, media and technology stakeholder communities for two days of discussions on the big questions and issues facing the sector
SPI to Present Key Findings of Best Practice in Screen Sector Development Report in Series of AFCI Regional Meetings
During the one-hour sessions, members of the SPI team will present key findings from the updated report, which expands upon the pioneering 2019 study
SPI's Executives Quoted in Screen Daily
Leon and Jonathan were both discussed in separate Screen Daily articles regarding their participation at the Saudi Film Confex
SPI Executives to Participate in 2024 Saudi Film Confex
Leon will be moderating the panel How A.I. Revolution and Technology are Shaping Filmmaking and Jonathan will be participating on the panel The Growth of International Content and Potential Investments
Key Findings of Best Practice in Screen Sector Development Study Available in 11 Languages
The key findings document summarises important considerations, key areas of best practice and ineffective practices from the report’s seven research areas.
SPI's Economic Impact Study on Spain’s Incentive for International Film and Television Production Referenced in Leading Publications
The study has been covered by industry-leading outlets such as Deadline, Variety, Screen Daily, and Kinótico
SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde Announced as Keynote Speaker at the AFCNet 20th Anniversary Seminar in Busan, South Korea
Leon will also moderate the panel Adapting to Change: Diverse and Proactive Approaches in Film Commission Strategy
SPI launches Economic Impact Study on Spain’s Rebates at the San Sebastián International Film Festival
The study aims to understand how the tax incentive in international audiovisual production has influenced the Spanish economy
SPI and Association of Film Commissioners International Publish Major Update of Best Practice in Screen Sector Development Study
The study is a full update of the groundbreaking 2019 analysis, fully expanded to account for the changes in the global screen sector since 2019
SPI to Join Spain Film Commission to Launch the First Study of the Economic Impact of the International Film Incentive in Spain.
The presentation will take placeon Sunday, 22 September at the San Sebastian Film Festival.
AFCI Week: Jonathan Olsberg to Present Case Study from Forthcoming AFCI Best Practice Report and Offering One-To-One Consultations
Jonathan will also be hosting one-on-one consultations with film commissioners and partaking in the panel, ‘Economic Impact & Government Collaboration - How to respond when challenged on economic development benefits’,
SPI’s Study on the Impacts of a Potential Federal Audiovisual Production Incentive in Brazil Published
The study examines the current position of Brazil’s audiovisual production sector globally, and considers the potential for a new federal incentive in the country
SPI to Provide Strategic Recommendations for the Development of the Screen Industries in the Republic of Benin
SPI has been commissioned by the Republic of Benin, to undertake a comprehensive study that will provide recommendations for the development of the screen industries in the country
SPI Study Capturing Best Practice and Methodology on Crew Mapping and Forecasting for the UK Screen Sector Published
SPI has created a pilot methodology for crew mapping and forecasting skills shortages in the UK’s scripted film and high-end television workforce
SPI Consultant to Present on Production Incentives at the Galway Film Fleadh
Kayleigh Hughes will be drawing from SPI’s extensive incentive design and tracking
SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde to Participate in panel at Conecta Fiction & Entertainment in Spain
Leon will present findings related to the economic impacts of audiovisual production