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SPI to Undertake Strategic Study for Portugal’s Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual
The Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual (ICA) has retained SPI to develop a multi year strategic plan for the Portuguese cinema and audiovisual sector
SPI Commissioned to Undertake a Review of Norfolk’s Film Sector
Norfolk County Council has contracted SPI to deliver a wide-ranging research project centred on the Norfolk film sector.
University of Glamorgan – Strategy for New Film Academy
For the University of Glamorgan SPI created a development strategy for a new film academy focused on the needs of the UK’s audiovisual sector.
AGICOA- Strategies for the International Television Market
SPI was recently retained by AGICOA, an international, not-for-profit organisation that has been established to track and distribute royalties on retransmission of the products of independent producers.
Screen Yorkshire- Future Strategy
SPI was retained to analyse SY’s overall strategy and make recommendations for the future regarding a range of options, including brand development and funding.
Screen England - Statistical and Strategic Review
SPI conducted a comprehensive report on the combined performance and achievements of the English RSAs’ activities during 2001-09 and provided recommendations for a new England-wide strategy.
Film Export Group- Strategy Report and Lobbying Document
FEG is the UK’s public/private strategy body that is focused on film exports. SPI conducted two assignments for them in 2009/10 that involved members, stakeholders, and others being surveyed.
Northern Ireland Digital Film Archive – Archive Strategy
SPI created a development strategy for this innovative ‘virtual’ archive containing material from 100 years of Northern Ireland history.
Flame TV – Strategic and Corporate Advice
Flame TV is a television production company to whom Jonathan Olsberg has been giving corporate and strategic advice to them for the past several years.
Strategies for Sustainable Film Businesses
In early 2010, SPI was commissioned by UK Film Council to produce a report that would assist the UK Film Council Board in its deliberations on a possible new paradigm for building UK-based film companies of scale (where film production is a major element of the business model).
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region – Consultancy Study on the Development of the Hong Kong Film Industry
SPI was retained by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to explore and identify possible goals of the Hong Kong film industry and to recommend strategies for achieving those goals.
East Anglia Film Archive – Development Strategy and Audience Development Plan
This was an assignment to evaluate the potential for the growth of the archive as well as possible avenues for its commercial exploitation. In particular, this study examined opportunities for the digitisation of existing content in order to provide wider public access.
MEDIA Programme, European Union – European Training Study
SPI was hired to research, study, map and evaluate the training and development needs in the screen industries of 32 European countries. The assignment included mapping the existing training and development provision, as well as identifying gaps and new training needs on a European and national basis.
State of Victoria, Australia – New Strategy for Film Agency
SPI conducted a study of conditions in Victoria's film and television sectors, and proposed a set of possible new, cost-effective, public initiatives to be adopted by state screen agency, Film Victoria, aimed at countering a downward trend in economic activity.
Future Policy and Strategy for Sweden's Film Sector
SPI was retained by the Swedish Film Producer’s Association in association with Film i Väst to conduct a strategic review of Sweden’s film sector and make a number of future policy recommendations for the sector.