SPI Commissioned to Undertake a Review of Norfolk’s Film Sector

Norfolk County Council has contracted SPI to deliver a wide-ranging research project centred on the Norfolk film sector. 

Norfolk has a long-standing history as a film location, with scenes from Dad’s Army, Atonement, Avengers, and most recently The Crown featuring some of Norfolk’s most scenic places.

The study will deliver a range of evidenced and evaluated work packages, including:

  • A database on film, television and related sector activity that have taken place in Norfolk in the last three years, alongside a forward forecast of UK production activity to 2025

  • A database mapping businesses, sole traders and freelance individuals active in the film and related sectors based in Norfolk

  • Examples of mechanisms from elsewhere in the UK for how Norfolk can become the film location of choice for the national and international film sector

  • Options, recommendations and an outline business case, including return on investment, for local authority income generation through film/television sector support.

The contract will be managed by a project steering group comprising officers from local authorities across Norfolk, plus the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (NALEP), Hethel Innovation, Norfolk Constabulary, and Norwich University of the Arts. 

Cllr Graham Plant, Cabinet Member for Growing the Economy said: 

“We have thought very hard about the advantages the value this research will bring to Norfolk. The international expertise Olsberg•SPI has will target the needs of Norfolk’s film, television and creative sector, putting public sector best practice at the fingertip of Norfolk’s local authorities. This research will help us mastermind, justify, and implement interventions in support of our creative sector and wider communities.”  

Full press release here.


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