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SPI Presenting Results of Global COVID-19 Screen Production Impact Study at the Guadalajara Film Festival
SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde and Associate for Latin America Steve Solot will today present the results of the firm's study Global Screen Production — the Impact of Film and Television Production on Economic Recovery from COVID-19 at the Guadalajara Film Festival (FICG).
Global Screen Production Study Presented in Tallinn Today
SPI Executive Chair Jonathan Olsberg and Managing Director Leon Forde will today present Global Screen Production -- the Impact of Film and Television Production on Economic Recovery from COVID-19 at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event.
SPI to Participate in Miami Media and Film Market Panel Discussion
SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde will participate in a panel discussion during the Miami Media and Film Market on 19th November.
SPI to Participate in South Africa Audiovisual Producers' Dialogue Event
SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde will participate in a live webinar from South Africa's Academy of Television and Screen Arts Studios on 12th November.
Measuring and Communicating the Economic Impact of Film and Television Production
Olsberg•SPI Managing Director Leon Forde will lead an online workshop in conjunction with the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) on 7th October 2020.
SPI to Participate in a Online Webinar on The Power of Global Film Production in Economic Recovery from COVID-19
Olsberg•SPI will participate in a free online webinar, The Power of Global Film Production in Economic Recovery from COVID-19, on Thursday 9th July.
SPI Participates in Incentives Seminar at Sweden's Riksdag
SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde has delivered a presentation on the usage and impact of film and television production incentives at a seminar in Sweden’s Riksdag legislature on March 11th.
SPI to Moderate Panel at Screen Finance Forum
Olsberg•SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde is to moderate a panel at the Screen Finance Forum in London on 5th December.
Leon Forde to Participate in Unión de Cineastas Event in Madrid
SPI's Associate Director Leon Forde will take part in the third annual filmmakers meeting organised by Unión de Cineastas in Madrid on Monday, 25th November.
Jonathan Olsberg speaks at Screen Forever
Jonathan Olsberg spoke on a panel at this year's Screen Forever conference, organised by Screen Producers Australia.
Jonathan Olsberg speaks at AVIA Asia Video Summit
Jonathan Olsberg delivered a presentation at this year’s AVIA Asia Video Summit in Singapore during a Policy Roundtable co-sponsored by Disney, HBO, Hotstar, NBCUniversal, and Netflix.
Andrew Barnes to speak at Screen Skills Ireland Screen Industry Education Forum
SPI Associate Director Andrew Barnes will chair panels on skills development challenges and opportunities related to the screen sectors in Ireland at Screen Skills Ireland's Screen Industry Education Forum on Tuesday 5th November.
Jonathan Olsberg to Moderate Two Panels at AFCI Cineposium
SPI Chairman Jonathan Olsberg will moderate two panels on the global production deluge at AFCI Cineposium 2019 in St Petersburg later this month. Leon Forde will also attend from SPI.
Andrew Barnes to speak at TIFF 2019
n collaboration with Ontario Creates, SPI's Associate Director Andrew Barnes will present the results of its evaluation of TIFF, including key findings on how people are using the festival, and the organisation’s impact on the Canadian and Ontario production sectors.
Jonathan Olsberg to Speak at St Petersburg International Economic Forum
SPI Chairman Jonathan Olsberg will participate in a panel on the Role of Film Production in Russia at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday 7th June.
SPI Associate Director to Participate in Mallorca Film Commission Conference
Leon Forde, Associate Director of Olsberg•SPI, will deliver a presentation on the different models of cinema incentives and their effects on audiovisual activity at a conference in Palma on April 13th.
Leon Forde to Moderate Production and Capacity Panel at Focus
SPI’s Associate Director Leon Forde will moderate a panel on issues related to global production and capacity at the Focus event in London on December 4th.
Trends and Expectations in the World of Incentives
Olsberg SPI's Jonathan Olsberg and Andrew Barnes presented a report today at the Industry@Tallinn and Baltic Event strand of the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival on Trends and Expectations in the World of Fiscal Incentives aimed at supporting media production.
SPI to Present Screen Tourism Findings at Brennpunkt eTourism Conference
SPI is to present a session on its screen tourism work at the 14th Brennpunkt eTourism conference.
Leon Forde to Moderate Panel at AFCI's Cineposium
Olsberg•SPI's Associate Director Leon Forde will moderate a panel at Cineposium in Los Angeles. Held annually by the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) Cineposium runs September 20-21.