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Alchemy- Workshops for Digital Media Companies
SPI led an innovative and powerful programme designed to initiate working relationships between traditional and digital media companies.
Northern Ireland Screen – Sector Development Study
SPI conducted a major review of the development needs of the Northern Ireland film and broadcast sector.
Northern Film and Media – Creative Industries Intellectual Property Investment Fund, Feasibility Study
SPI, with partner consultants in the North East, was commissioned by Northern Film and Media to undertake a feasibility study to identify options for the delivery of a “Creative Industries Intellectual Property Investment Fund” in the North East.
East Midlands Media, England – Digital Cluster Study
SPI was retained to assist in the creation of an agenda for the support of the region's digital media cluster. Specifically, the assignment consisted of a review of existing support structures, an identification of appropriate interventions for the sector and an outline of possible impacts from such support, including inward investment and exports.