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Enterprise: Business Strategies for Independent Producers

SPI has created an original and innovative course on business strategy for the screen sector. Since then it has been conducted in Scandinavia, Scotland, Portugal, the UK, and three times in Australia. During the course, film television and new media producers benefited from the opportunity to look at their businesses strategically and create realistic and informed plans and strategies for corporate growth.

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Second Light Evaluation

First Light administers a talent development scheme for young BME audiences, entitled “Second Light”. The scheme is aimed at supporting and providing training opportunities to 30 young people from BME backgrounds, to enable them to pursue successful careers in the film industry. SPI was commissioned in late 2009 to conduct an evaluation of the scheme.

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Study of the UK Facilities Sector

The team produced a report on the facilities sector and its sizeable contribution to the UK’s wider film and television industry. SPI was retained by UK Screen, the trade body representing service companies in the television and film industry in the UK, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges that face the facilities sector in the UK.

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