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Irish Times Article References SPI Economic Analysis and Strategy
An Irish Times article on Ireland's aim to become a global centre of excellence for film references the economic analysis and strategy undertaken by Olsberg•SPI with Nordicity for the Irish Government.
New SPI Evaluation of UK Screen Sector Tax Reliefs Launched
Screen Business – a major new analysis of the UK’s Screen Sector Tax Reliefs researched and written by Olsberg•SPI with Nordicity – has been published today by the British Film Institute.
Evaluation of the Irish Screen Sector Published
Olsberg•SPI's evaluation of the impact of the Irish Screen Sectors – including Film, TV, Animation, and Games, and conducted with Nordicity – was published today at the launch of the Irish Government's €200 million Audiovisual Action Plan.
Major New Project to Evaluate the Impact of the UK’s Screen Sectors
Olsberg•SPI with Nordicity has been contracted today by the British Film Institute to undertake a fresh evaluation of the Impact of the UK’s screen sectors, following on from our 2015 evaluation.
Major Olsberg•SPI report on the Economic Contribution made by the UK Screen Sectors published
SPI's new report on the Economic Contribution of the UK's Film, High-End Television, Video Games, and Animation Programming sectors - conducted with Nordicity - has this morning been published by the BFI.
Olsberg•SPI to lead a major study on the contribution of the UK film, high-end TV, animation and video games industries
Olsberg•SPI has been retained to produce a key study on the economic, cultural, and audience contributions of the UK's film, high-end TV, animation, and video games industries.