Major Olsberg•SPI report on the Economic Contribution made by the UK Screen Sectors published

SPI's new report on the Economic Contribution of the UK's Film, High-End Television, Video Games, and Animation Programming sectors - conducted with Nordicity - has this morning been published by the BFI. This groundbreaking piece of work, which adds the three new tax relief industries to a refresh of prior studies of the film sector, underlines the major contribution screen businesses have on the UK economy. The report was conducted for the BFI, Pinewood Shepperton plc, Ukie, the British Film Commission, and Pact with a foreword from Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, and can be downloaded here.

A further report into the Cultural and Audience Contributions of these sectors is to be published later this year.


Olsberg•SPI study on screen tourism launched with Westminster briefing


Olsberg•SPI report on fiscal incentives published by EAO