Screen International Film Summit 2010

Screen International – Annual Film Summit 2010

The theme of the 2010 Screen International Annual Film Summit was "Building sustainable film businesses fit for new commercial realities". Olsberg•SPI chairman Jonathan Olsberg presented to audiences a summary of key findings emerging from Olsberg•SPI's exclusive report on identifying the common features of sustainable film businesses (published in December 2010). The Screen International Film Summit is held annually in London and brings together leading figures from every part of the film value chain to discuss various issues including strategies for the commercially viable film business, global fiscal incentives, public funding for film, audience consumption, and film financing.Olsberg•SPI has been a major sponsor of the Summit over the years, inviting speakers and also moderating. This year Jonathan Olsberg presented the findings of Olsberg•SPI's report on growing sustainable film businesses.


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University of Glamorgan – Strategy for New Film Academy