SPI Sponsors New Publication on the Audiovisual Public Policy Landscape in Latin America

Jonathan Olsberg and Leon Forde join other public and private sector audiovisual industry leaders in contributing to a collection of essays focused on Latin America. The Audiovisual Public Policy Landscape in Latin America is available for free download from today.

Fellow contributors include the Colombian Minister of Culture; the Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires; Chief of Creativity and Culture Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank; President of the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Mexico (AMACC); the Advisory Board to the Ibero-American Conference of Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities (CAACI); and the Executive President of BRAVI in Brazil. 

The publication’s 20 essays are provided in Spanish and English and cover a wide range of themes. These include Public Policy and the Audiovisual Sector; Crisis, COVID-19 and Recovery; Investments, Incentives and Film Funds for Local Films; and Diversity, Training and Preservation. 

The book is published by the Latin American Training Center (LATC), an organisation run by Steve Solot, SPI’s Associate for Latin America.

SPI’s Executive Chair Jonathan Olsberg provides the publication’s Prologue, as well as an in-depth chapter examining the key components required for a holistic screen sector strategy.

Exploring the strategic economic potential of screen production, SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde contributes the chapters, “The Impact of Film and Television on Economic Recovery from COVID-19” and “Trends in the Design of Automatic National, State, and Province-Level Incentive Mechanisms”.

Alongside this publication, SPI has been piloting a Public Policy Audiovisual Diagnostic, a free one-hour consultation service for public sector entities in Latin America. Here, SPI executives provide expert advice on various aspects of a country’s audiovisual strategy. The deadline for applications is May 30th, 2021.

Steve Solot said:

“As with previous LATC publications, we hope it will serve as a useful resource for policymakers, legislators, attorneys, investors, producers, distributors, and other professionals in the audiovisual industry, to promote the common objective of expansion of the Latin American audiovisual industry in the global context.” 

Download the Publication here.

Download the full Press Release in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


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