SPI’s Associate for Latin America to Lead Creative Industries’ Event

Today, SPI’s Associate for Latin America Steve Solot will be moderating a live webinar on Latin America’s creative industries and the power of the Orange Economy.

Starting at 16:00 (BST), the event aligns with the new bilingual publication, The Audiovisual Public Policy Landscape in Latin America, available for free download here. The book is sponsored by SPI and published by the Latin American Training Center (LATC).

The panel will explore the power of the creative industries and Orange Economy in Latin America and other themes covered in the collection of 20 essays. These include Public Policy and the Audiovisual Sector and Crisis, COVID-19 and Recovery.

Panelists include Enrique Avogadro (Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires), Felipe Buitrago (Minister of Culture of Colombia), Trinidad Zaldívar (Chief of Creativity and Culture Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank), and Marcelo Ortega (President of FILMANDES Audiovisual Cluster in the province of Mendoza, Argentina).

To join the Spanish speaking event click here.


SPI Associate to Participate in CPH:DOX Panel


SPI Sponsors New Publication on the Audiovisual Public Policy Landscape in Latin America