SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde to Speak at British Screen Forum Conference on Screen Sector Growth Outside London

Olsberg•SPI (SPI)’s Managing Director Leon Forde will be speaking at the British Screen Forum conference next Tues 4th July 2023, entitled “Unleashing Our Potential: Screen Sector Growth in the Nations and Regions.”

The half-day conference will explore the extent and potential policy levers which are most effective in harnessing the growth potential of the screen sectors outside London and Southeast England.

To this end, the event will showcase and examine recent and ongoing policy initiatives, highlight opportunities to locate screen sector businesses and projects in the Nations and Regions, and bring together policymakers and senior industry figures from across the UK.

Leon will be speaking specifically on the screen production sectors’ economic impact around the UK, drawing from the firm’s extensive studies in this area.

The event’s distinguished speakers include:

  • Andy Street (Mayor, West Midlands Combined Authority)

  • Isabel Davis (Executive Director, Screen Scotland)

  • Gerwyn Evans (Deputy Director, Creative Wales)

  • Leon Forde (Managing Director, Olsberg•SPI)

  • Alison Gwynn (Chief Executive, North East Screen)

  • Professor Jonathan Sapsed (Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Newcastle University Business School/Co-Investigator, Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre)

  • Rhodri Talfan Davies (Director of Nations, BBC)

  • Dr Tarek Virani (Creative Economies Lab, UWE Bristol)

  • Richard Williams (Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Screen).


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