SPI Study on the Economic Impact of Utah’s Film and Television Incentive Programme Released

A new SPI evaluation of the Utah Motion Picture Incentive Program, commissioned by The Motion Picture Association of Utah with support from the Utah Film Commission, has found that the incentives generated $614.1 million in economic output between FY2015 and FY2021. Over the same period, the total Gross Value Added (GVA) created by activity incentivised by the credit was $350.1 million, an average GVA of $50.0 million a year.

The hiring of cast and crew for Utah productions incentivised by the system generated 516 direct fill-time equivalent (FTE) year-round jobs in FY2021, with a total of 810 FTE jobs once indirect and induced impacts are considered.

In addition, the incentive has delivered an economic return on investment (RoI) of 7.0, showing that for every $1 invested through the incentive programme the state’s economy benefitted by $7.00.

Utah’s production incentive was found to have been significant in attracting productions to the state. The program currently offers a 25% tax incentive on eligible spend in the state with an annual budget cap set at $8.29 million. 

The study also modelled the potential impacts of expanding the cap. A bill has been introduced in the Utah state senate proposing to exempt eligible rural production from the current cap.

The full study can be downloaded here.

Impact data from the study has also been featured in stories from Utah’s KUTV, St George News and the Daily Universe, among others.


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