SPI Presents New Economic Impact Toolkit for England’s Film Authorities

SPI Executives were recently invited to address over 100 representatives of English film offices and local authorities at Creative England’s virtual Filming in England Local Authority Summit

This annual event is specifically curated for local authorities and film offices across England that are responsible for screen production outside of London. SPI has been commissioned by Creative England to develop a toolkit of resources to support local authorities in demonstrating the economic impact of filming across their areas in England.

With a central theme of “Local Economic Impact of Filming”, SPI welcomed the opportunity to discuss the value of measuring economic impact of screen production to the engaged audience, and to present work on the study to date.

The event also saw an array of other fantastic speakers who shared insights into the film and high-end television (HETV) industry and how local authorities can better facilitate filming in their regions to benefit their screen sector and communities. These included increasing their sector’s profile to incoming productions, improving job opportunities, and enhancing their brand offer to attract screen tourism.

Learn more about the work of Creative England’s Filming in England team at www.filminginengland.co.uk.

More detail on SPI’s economic impact assessment work can be found here


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