SPI interviewed for 2020 Nostradamus report

SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde was one of 10 industry experts interviewed for the 2020 Nostradamus report, to be launched on 31st January. Presented by the Gothenburg Film Festival, the Nostradamus report is an annual publication examining the future of the screen industry. The 2020 report is the seventh to be published, with a focus this year on gender parity, diversity and inclusion. The report was written by media analyst Johanna Koljonen, who will present the report and moderate a panel on the report in Gothenburg. In addition to the Gothenburg Film Festival, Nostradamus is supported by Film i Väst, Nordisk Film and TV Fond, Kultur Akademin and Västra Götalandsregionen.

The report will be available from 31st January at 6pm on the Göteborg Film Festival website.


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