Comparative Costs Report

The Office of the British Film Commissioner, the Government body set up to increase inward investment to the UK, commissioned SPI to study and analyse the UK’s international competitive position with regards to attracting international film productions. This study analysed the cost of filming two hypothetical US major-originated feature films (budgeted at approximately $100m and $20m) in ten different international territories, ranging from established centres of production such as Los Angeles, London, Vancouver, and Sydney to lower-cost countries such as the Czech Republic and South Africa. The report further complemented this evaluation with a comprehensive analysis of the film production fiscal incentive schemes that are available across these international territories, as well as other key factors that have a significant role to play in the decision-making process. The report successfully used a robust body of qualitative and quantitative evidence to position the overall strength, quality, and financial competitiveness of the UK’s offer, internationally. The resulting report has been used widely by the OBFC in its discussion with US majors and mini-majors.


Study of the UK Facilities Sector


Future Policy and Strategy for Sweden's Film Sector