Shane Vallance




Shane Vallance is a skilled economist, researcher and evaluation practitioner. As a SPI Associate since 2021, Shane provides analytical support to a range of studies which have an economic focus.

Shane works across SPI’s economic impact studies of production incentive schemes. He has undertaken such studies in Norway, Poland, Australia, Estonia and several US states. He also helped develop the assumptions that underpin the economic impact toolkit which is provided to local areas across England through Creative England.

Through his wider consultancy work, Shane provides economic and analytical support to numerous clients across public, private, education and social purpose organisations. He is well-versed in the principles of HM Treasury’s Green Book, which has underpinned work such as the development of business cases for significant public investments.

Shane previously worked as Senior Economist at the South West Regional Development Agency and the Met Office. He holds an MSc (Econ) in Development Economics from the University of Bristol and a BSc (Econ) in Economics from the University of Cardiff.
