
Production Infrastructure and Capacity Analysis (PICA)

A PICA provides a bespoke analysis of a jurisdiction’s production capacity constraints and opportunities. This includes recommending and designing related sector support and growth strategies.

SPI developed this service in response to authorities around the world requiring a more comprehensive understanding and evidence of the size and shape of the current production infrastructure, and where interventions are most needed. 

Each PICA is bespoke to the juristiction, but typically covers:

  • Assessment of the Above-the Line Talent, Below-the-line Workforce and Infrastructure Capacity – A detailed assessment of the current capacity across 80+ production components to support multiple productions simultaneously, including creative and technical roles, facilities, equipment, production services, vendors, and more

  • Skill Gaps – Highlighting specific skill gaps in current production capacity, and how these can be strategically addressed

  • Sector Growth – Strategic analysis of the juristiction’s production sector in recent years and insight into its potential to grow further and increase future economic and strategic impacts.

Selected Examples