SPI Report on Creative Industries Ripple Effect Released


Olsberg SPI has today published a new report quantifying a previously unmeasured economic impact derived from feature film and television drama production expenditure, naming it the Creative Industries ‘Ripple Effect’.The results of SPI’s analysis - available here - demonstrate that film and television drama productions drive a significant (and perhaps unexpectedly large) amount of activity in the other creative industries. The report’s analysis of a group of sample productions shows that between 38% (feature film) and 47% (television drama) of the expenditure impacts other creative industries, as follows:

Figure 1: The Creative Industries Ripple Effect – Film productionsFigure 2: The Creative Industries Ripple Effect - Television drama productions SPI are extremely grateful for the generous support provided by the sponsors of the report, without whom its publication would not have been possible: the Copenhagen Film Fund (Denmark), Film i Väst (Sweden) the Netherlands Film Fund and Screenwest (Australia). SPI also greatly appreciate the time given to this study by the producers of the various projects that were studied as part of the research.


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