SPI Managing Director to Participate in Expocine 2021

SPI Managing Director Leon Forde will take part in the panel “Perspectives for the AV Industry in Post-Pandemic Latin America,” exploring how policymakers and private sector stakeholders can accelerate economic recovery by supporting the audiovisual industry.

Scheduled for 18th November, the event is part of Expocine 2021, the largest cinema business convention in Latin America.

The panel will be moderated by Steve Solot, SPI’s Associate for Latin America, with other participants including:

  • Enrique Avogadro, Minister of Culture for the City of Buenos Aires

  • Carla Sanchez, Managing Director for Latin America at the Motion Picture Association (MPA)

  • Maria Fernanda Céspedes, General Director at the Ibero-American Federation of Academies of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (FIACINE) 

The event will take place at 7pm GMT. Further information and tickets to Expocine 2021are available here.


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