SPI Announces Results of Production Infrastructure and Capacity Audit in Sweden, Commissioned by Film i Väst

Olsberg•SPI has delivered the results of its Production Infrastructure and Capacity Audit (PICA) of Sweden at two industry presentations in Gothenburg and Stockholm on September 23rd and 24th. Developed by SPI, PICA is a bespoke assessment of current production capacity in 99 specific elements across five key areas: facilities and equipment; services; locations; crew; and key creative talent. It provides analysis of current and emerging gaps that will serve to limit value, and outlines strategies to improve capacity. The study was commissioned by Film i Väst, and supported by the Swedish Film & TV Producers Association, The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film, Filmpool Nord, Film i Skåne, Film Capital Stockholm and the Swedish Film Institute.

A summary of the findings can be downloaded here. A final, detailed study will be published later in 2019.


Irish Times Article References SPI Economic Analysis and Strategy


New Olsberg•SPI report for AFCI on Best Practice in Screen Sector Development