ScreenDaily Article on SPI's Global Screen Production Study

SPI's recently-published study Global Screen Production – The Impact of Film and Television Production on Economic Recovery from COVID-19 is outlined in detail in a new article on ScreenDaily. Written by SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde, How the Screen Sectors Can Help to Reboot International Economies provides an overview of key findings and themes from the study, which found that global expenditure on screen production in 2019 reached $177 billion. The study also includes insight on the economic impact of this spend, and the speed and flow of screen production spend across economies. Global Screen Production is an independent report undertaken with the support of Media Business Insight, publisher of Screen International and Broadcast, and Netflix. It was endorsed by leading film commission associations and networks representing intergovernmental organizations around the world: Asian Film Commissions Network (AFCNet); Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI); European Film Commissions Network (EUFCN); and Latin American Film Commission Network (LAFCN).  


SPI to Participate in a Online Webinar on The Power of Global Film Production in Economic Recovery from COVID-19


June 2020 update of Olsberg•SPI’s Global Incentives Index published