Olsberg•SPI Appointed to Undertake Film Studio Feasibility Study in New Zealand’s Bay of Plenty

Rotorua’s Steambox Films collective and the region’s film office, Bay of Plenty Film, have announced the engagement of OlsbergSPI to undertake a feasibility study into the establishment of a film studio in the Bay of Plenty. Screen production is undergoing a boom internationally and New Zealand has a strong platform for further development. There is also healthy growth in the Bay of Plenty’s screen industry, as well as success by filmmakers from the area. These include Taika Waititi, Chelsea Winstanley, Ainsley Gardiner, Jeff Murphy, Cliff Curtis, Heperi Mita, Temuera Morrison, and others.SPI will test whether these factors – along with the Bay of Plenty’s high sunshine hours, talented crew base, and beautiful locations – make the creation of film studios in the region a viable option.

Alongside project research and industry consultations in Europe and the US, SPI Chairman Jonathan Olsberg will visit the Bay of Plenty in early March, followed by Associate Director, Leon Forde, later in the month.  Forde said: “We are very pleased to be starting this very important project for Steambox Films and Bay of Plenty Film.” In addition to a feasibility study, SPI will deliver a general memorandum to inform any interested parties about opportunities identified in the region. Ultimately, Steambox Films and Bay of Plenty Film are committed to a sustainable and thriving screen industry in the region and it is likely the feasibility study and the memorandum will be made available to all key stakeholders, potential investors and prospective partners after its completion in July. The project has been made possible via the kind support of Te Puni Kōkiri through the “He kai kei aku ringa” fund. 


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