Incentives Aren't Everything: SPI guest comment on

Olsberg•SPI Chairman Jonathan Olsberg has today contributed a guest comment to on the importance of studios as the cornerstone of a territory's film-making offer. Incentives Aren't Everything argues that, for governments, focusing on film-making infrastructure is as important as creating fiscal incentives for any territory looking to be successful as a destination for international production. While creating or enhancing a fiscal incentive can be a relatively easy lever to pull, planning ahead with infrastructure development is essential since studios provide the controllable shooting space necessary for high-end projects, and can also function as creative hubs. The comment also looks at the current pace of development in the studio sector.

The article, which is the first in a series of regular guest comments by SPI, can be read here: Incentives Aren't Everything  


Olsberg•SPI at Cannes 2014


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